Saturday, March 1, 2008


Jennifer Lopez has announce the name of her new born twins. MAX and EMME have been welcomed with open arms and hearts to the Lopez clan. However reports are surfacing that Jennifer Lopez is taking motherhood to a new DIVA level. La Lopez and her wasted away hubby Marc Anthony have reportedly hired six bodyguards for their new born twins. The cost is approximately $600,000.00 a year not including benefits. Closed-circuit cameras have also been installed in every room in the house.

But all this cannot be compared to the money spent to sanitize the inter home. There are dispensers of hygienic cleanser strategically placed all around her home. People are instructed to basically scrub before they come close to her precious ones.There has even been a purchase of what's being called 'a lifetime supply' of surgical masks because anyone coming in contact with the twins must put one of the things on.

Is J. LO becoming a germaphobe or is she just taking up where Michael Jackson left off.

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