Tuesday, March 4, 2008


American Idol 7 semi-finalist David Hernandez was a stripper in Phoenix until last fall. He “worked as a stripper at Dick’s Cabaret, appearing fully nude and performing lap dances for the club’s ‘mostly male’ clientele,” the AP reports.
David worked there until Sept. 30, 2007; he auditioned for the Fox reality show two months earlier, on July 30 in San Diego. The club’s manager, Gordy Bryan, said, “He had the look and the type that people like, so he made pretty good money here. … He never renewed his licensing with the state, so he hasn’t been on my roster since then.”
Fox declined to comment to the AP, but last year, Antonella Barba was allowed to stay on the show after pictures of her appeared online. Frenchie Davis, however, was disqualified once
Initial reports that Hernandez worked at a strip club came from Vote for the Worst, which published photos of “David working at Burn, a gay nightclub that just recently closed in Phoenix.” But there was no evidence until now that he actually stripped.

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