Thursday, February 28, 2008


Eonline is two steps behind DIRTY-TRUTH. At least when it comes to the Britney Spears homicide investigation. We here at DIRTY-TRUTH reported a few days ago that the LAPD was investigating the drugging allegations set forth by Britney’s mother Lynn and that said investigation was being handled by the homicide division. EONLINE and the LAPD have now confirmed the investigation. In a statement to the entertainment news network the Robbery-Homicide division's Captain Kyle Jackson said "The issues regarding Britney Spears are being considered by the department to determine if laws have been violated," The possible investigation stems from comments made by Mama Spears in court documents filed in conjunction with the family's request for a temporary restraining order against the singer's former manager, Sam Lutfi, on Feb. 1, in which she proved far less concerned for discretion than the LAPD.
In her affidavit accompanying the request for the order, Lynne alleged, point-blank, "Mr. Lutfi drugged Britney."
She went on to claim that Lutfi even boasted to her directly that he ground up pills, among them Risperdal and Seroquel, and put them in Britney's food. It sure does look like Sam has some explaining to do.

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