Tuesday, February 26, 2008


According to her publicist Naomi Campbell was hospitalized in Sao Paolo to "have a cyst removed,", in a statement to reporters, Naomi’s publicist said, "Following the successful procedure, she is now resting and is looking forward to getting back to work. She would like to thank the doctors who have kindly looked after her."
The 37-year-old supermodel is at the Sirio Libanes Hospital, where she reportedly underwent four-and-a-half hours of surgery. Sky News is reporting that she is under the care of an insectologist, as well as infectious disease specialist Dr. David Uip, who performed the surgery and said, "She is in my care and that of Professor (Jose Aristodemo) Pinotti, but she did not authorize us to comment on the matter."
Naomi was in the country earlier this month for the Carnival celebration, where she met Brazilian billionaire Marcus Elias.

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